International Journal
78. Jaehyuk Jang, Yooseung Wang, and Changick Kim, "FCGNet: Foreground and Class Guided Network for Human Parsing," Pattern Recognition, vol. 157, pp.110879, Aug. 2024.
77. Kyujin Shim, Junyoung Byun, Kangwook Ko, Jubi Hwang, and Changick Kim, "Enhancing Robustness of Multi-Object Trackers with Temporal Feature Mix," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), May. 2024.
76. Byeongjun Park*, Hyojun Go*, and Changick Kim, "Bridging Implicit and Explicit Geometric Transformation for Single-Image View Synthesis," IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Mar. 2024. (* These two authors contributed equally)
75. Yooseung Wang, Jaehyuk Jang, and Changick Kim, "Subdivided Mask Dispersion Framework for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation," Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 179, pp. 58-64, Jan. 2024.
74. Yeonju Park, Sangmin Woo, Sumin Lee, Muhammad Adi Nugroho, and Changick Kim, "Cross-Modal Alignment and Translation for Missing Modality Action Recognition," Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 236, pp.103805, Aug. 2023.
73. Kangil Lee and Changick Kim, " A Gyro-based Tracking Assistant for Drones with Uncooled Infrared Camera," IEEE Sensors, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 645-659, Jan. 2024.
72. Kangwook Ko, Kyujin Shim, Kangil Lee, and Changick Kim, "Large-scale Benchmark for Uncooled Infrared Image Deblurring," IEEE Sensors, vol. 23, no. 24, pp. 30119-30128, Dec. 2023.
71. Kyujin Shim, Kangwook Ko, Jubi Hwang, H Jang, and Changick Kim, "Fast Online Multi-target Multi-camera Tracking for Vehicles," Applied Intelligence (APIN), vol 53, Oct. 2023.
70. Jubi Hwang, Kyujin Shim, Kangwook Ko, N. Ha, and Changick Kim, "Robust Multi-Object Tracking with Local Appearance and Stable Motion Models," IEEE Access, Jun. 2023.
69. Inyong Koo, Yeonju Park, Minki Jeong, and Changick Kim, "Contrastive Accelerometer-Gyroscope Embedding Model for Human Activity Recognition," IEEE Sensors, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 506-513, Jan. 2023.
68. Yeonju Park, Sangmin Woo, Sumin Lee, Muhammad Adi Nugroho, and Changick Kim, "Cross-Modal Alignment and Translation for Missing Modality Action Recognition," Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol 236, pp.103805, Nov. 2023.
67. Byeongjun Park*, Hyojun Go*, and Changick Kim, "Bridging Implicit and Explicit Geometric Transformation for Single-Image View Synthesis," IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Nov. 2022. (* These two authors contributed equally)
66. Inyong Koo, Yeonju Park, Minki Jeong, and Changick Kim, "Contrastive Accelerometer-Gyroscope Embedding Model for Human Activity Recognition," IEEE Sensors, vol 23, no. 1, pp.506-513, Nov. 2022.
65. Sumin Lee, Hyunjun Eun, J. Moon, Seokeon Choi, Yoonhyung Kim, Chanho Jung, and Changick Kim, "Learning to Discriminate Information for Online Action Detection: Analysis and Application," IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), vol. 45, no.5, pp. 5918-5934, 1 May 2023.
64. Myung-Joon Kwon, S. Nam, I. Yu, H. Lee, and Changick Kim, "Learning JPEG Compression Artifacts for Image Manipulation Detection and Localization," International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), vol 130, no. 8, pp.1875-1895, Aug. 2022.
63. Kangil Lee, Y. Ban, and Changick Kim, "Motion Blur Kernel Rendering Using an Inertial Sensor: Interpreting the Mechanism of a Thermal Detector," IEEE Sensors, vol. 22, no. 5, Feb. 2022.
62. Seunghan Yang, Hyoungseob Park, Junyoung Byun, and Changick Kim, "Robust Federated Learning with Noisy Labels," IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol 37, no. 2, pp.35-43, Feb. 2022.
61. Hyunjun Eun, J. Moon, J. Park, Chanho Jung, and Changick Kim, "Temporal Filtering Networks for Online Action Detection," Pattern Recognition, vol. 111, Mar. 2021.
60. Hyunjun Eun, Sumin Lee, J. Moon, J. Park, Chanho Jung, and Changick Kim, "SRG: Snippet Relatedness-based Temporal Action Proposal Generator," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 30, no. 11, pp. 4232-4244, Nov. 2020.
59. Jonghee Kim, Chanho Jung, and Changick Kim, "Dual Back-Projection-Based Internal Learning for Blind Super-Resolution," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 27, pp. 1190-1194, Jun. 2020.
58. Hyukzae Lee, Chanho Jung, and Changick Kim, "Blind Deblurring of Text images Using a Text-Specific Hybrid Dictionary," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 29, pp. 710-723, Jan. 2020.
57. Yoonhyung Kim, Hyunjun Eun, Chanho Jung, and Changick Kim, "A Quad Edge-Based Grid Encoding Model for Content-Aware Image Retargeting," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 25, no. 12, pp. 3202-3215, Dec. 2019.
56. Seokeon Choi, Jonghee Kim, Wonjun Kim, and Changick Kim, "Skeleton-based Gait Recognition via Robust Frame-level Matching," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 2577-2592, Oct. 2019. [Project] [Code]
55. Sumin Lee, Hyunjun Eun, S. Oh, Wonjun Kim, Chanho Jung, and Changick Kim, "Landmark-free Clothes Recognition with a Two-Branch Feature Selective Network," Electronics Letters, vol. 55, no. 13, pp. 745-747, Jun. 2019.
54. Seungyoun Lee and Changick Kim, "Ramp Distribution-Based Contrast Enhancement Techniques and Over-Contrast Measure," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 73004-73019, May. 2019. [Paper] [Code]
53. Daeyeong Kim, Seungyoun Lee, and Changick Kim, "Contextual Information Based Quality Assessment for Contrast-Changed Images," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 109-113, Jan. 2019. [Paper]
52. Hyunjun Eun, Daeyeong Kim, Chanho Jung, and Changick Kim, "Single-View 2D CNNs with Fully Automatic Non-nodule Categorization for False Positive Reduction in Pulmonary Nodule Detection," Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol.165, pp. 215-224, Oct. 2018.
51. Seungyoun Lee, Daeyeong Kim, and Changick Kim, "Ramp Distribution-Based Image Enhancement Techniques for Infrared Images," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 931-935, July 2018. [Paper] [Code]
50. Yoonhyung Kim, Seungjun Jung, Chanho Jung, and Changick Kim, "A Structure-Aware Axis-Aligned Grid Deformation Approach for Robust Image Retargeting," Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 77, no. 6, pp. 7717-7739, Mar. 2018.
49. Hyunjun Eun, Yoonhyung Kim, Chanho Jung, and Changick Kim, "Saliency Refinement: Towards a Uniformly Highlighted Salient Object," Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 62, pp. 16-32, Mar. 2018.
48. Joonhyang Choi, Hyunjun Eun, and Changick Kim, "Boosting Proximal Dental Caries Detection via Combination of Variational Methods and Convolutional Neural Network," Journal of Signal Processing Systems, vol. 90, no. 1, pp.87-97, Jan. 2018.
47. Daeyeong Kim and Changick Kim, "Contrast Enhancement Using Combined 1D and 2D Histogram-Based Techniques," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 804-808, Jun. 2017.
46. Hyunjun Eun and Changick Kim, "Superpixel-Guided Adaptive Image Smoothing," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 23, no. 12, Dec. 2016. <Supplementary Material>
45. Jiwon Choi and Changick Kim, "Object-Aware Image Thumbnailing Using Image Classification and Enhanced Detection of ROI," Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 75, no. 23, pp. 16191-16207, Dec. 2016.
44. Jiwon Choi and Changick Kim, "A Framework for Automatic Static and Dynamic Video Thumbnailing Extraction," Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 75, no. 23, pp. 15975-15991, Dec. 2016.
43. Jiwon choi and Changick Kim, "Sparse Seam-Carving for Structure Preserving Image Retargeting, "Journal of Signal Processing Systems, vol. 85, no. 2, pp. 275-283, Nov. 2016.
42. Ilkoo Ahn and Changick Kim, "Face and Hair Region Labeling Using Semi-Supervised Spectral Clustering Based Multiple Segmentations," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 1414-1421, July 2016.
41. Nakyoung O and Changick Kim, "Unsupervised Texture Segmentation of Natural Scene Images Using Region-basedMarkov Random Field," Journal of Signal Processing Systems, vol. 83, no. 3, pp. 423-436 June. 2016.
40. Dongjin Park and Changick Kim, "A Hybrid Bags-of-Feature model for Sports Scene Classification," Journal of Signal Processing Systems, vol 81, no. 2, pp. 249-263, Nov. 2015.
39. Chanho Jung and Changick Kim, "Impact of the Accuracy of Automatic Segmentation of Cell Nuclei Clusters on Classification of Thyroid Follicular Lesions," Cytometry Part A, vol. 85, no. 8, pp. 709-718, Aug. 2014.
38. Jiwon Choi, Chanho Jung, Jaeho Lee, and Changick Kim, "Determining the Existence of Objects in an image and Its Application to Image Thumbnailing," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 957-961, Aug. 2014.
37. Seungwoo Yoo, Wonjun Kim, and Changick Kim, "Saliency Combined Particle Filtering for Aircraft Tracking," Journal of Signal Processing Systems, vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 19-31, July 2014.
36. Chanho Jung, Wonjun Kim, Seungwoo Yoo, and Changick Kim, "A Novel Monochromatic Cue for Detecting Regions of Visual Interest," Image and Vision Computing, vol. 32, no. 6-7, pp. 405-413, June-July 2014.
35. Wonjun Kim and Changick Kim, "Spatiotemporal Saliency Detection Using Textural Contrast and Its Application," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 646-659, Apr. 2014.
34. Jaekwang Kim, Jaeho Lee, S. Han, D. Kim, J. Min, and Changick Kim, "A High Quality Depth Map Upsampling Method Robust to Misalignment of Depth and Color Boundaries," Journal of Signal Processing Systems, vol. 75, no. 1, pp. 23-37, Mar. 2014.
33. Ilkoo Ahn and Changick Kim, "A Novel Depth-Based Virtual View Synthesis Method for Free Viewpoint Video," IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 614-626, Dec. 2013. <Project page>
32. Seungwoo Yoo and Changick Kim, "Background Subtraction using Hybrid Feature Coding in the Bag-of-features Framework," Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 34, no. 16, pp. 2086-2093, Dec. 2013.
31. Jaeho Lee, Seungwoo Yoo, Changick Kim, and B. Vasudev, "Estimating Scene-Oriented Pseudo Depth with Pictorial Depth Cues," IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 238-250, Jun. 2013.
30. Wonjun Kim and Changick Kim, "Active Contours Driven by the Salient Edge Energy Model," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 1667-1673, Apr. 2013.
29. Wonjun Kim and Changick Kim, "Total Variation Flow-Based Multiscale Framework for Unsupervised Surface Defect Segmentation," Optical Engineering, vol. 51, no. 12, pp. 127201-127201, Dec. 2012.
28. Chanho Jung and Changick Kim, "Real-Time Estimation of 3D Scene Geometry from a Single Image," Pattern Recognition, vol. 45, no. 9, pp. 3256-3269, Sep. 2012.
27. Wonjun Kim and Changick Kim, "Saliency Detection via Textural Contrast," Optics Letters, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 1550-1552, May 2012.
26. Jaeho Lee, Chanho Jung, Changick Kim, and A. Said, "Content Based Pseudoscopic View Detection," Journal of Signal Processing Systems, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 261-271, May 2012.
25. Chanho Jung and Changick Kim, "A Unified Spectral-domain Approach for Saliency Detection and Its Application to Automatic Object Segmentation," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1272-1283, Mar. 2012.
24. Wonjun Kim and Changick Kim, "Background Subtraction for Dynamic Texture Scenes Using Fuzzy Color Histograms," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 127-130, Mar. 2012.
23. Chanho Jung, Wonjun Kim, and Changick Kim, "Gradient Domain Statistical Image-Importance Model for Content-Aware Image resizing," Optical Engineering, vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 1-13, Dec. 2011.
22. Chanho Jung, Wonjun Kim, and Changick Kim, "Detecting Shadows from a Single Image,." Optics Letters, vol. 36, no. 22, pp. 4428-4430, Nov. 2011.
21. Wonjun Kim and Changick Kim, "A Texture-Aware Salient Edge Model for Image Retargeting," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 18, no. 11, pp. 631-634, Nov. 2011.
20. Hyun Lee, G. Um and Changick Kim, "A Portable, Seamless 3D Display without Glasses," 26 Aug. 2011, SPIE Newsroom, DOI: 10.1117 / 2.1201108.003818.
19. Wonjun Kim, Chanho Jung, and Changick Kim, "Spatiotemporal Saliency Detection and Its Applications in Static and Dynamic Scenes," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 446-456, Apr. 2011.
18. Jenq-Neng Hwang, Changick Kim, and Hsu-Yung Cheng, "Video analysis for human behavior understanding," EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2010.1 (2010): 1-3.
17. Wonjun Kim, Jaeho Lee, Minjin Kim, Daeyoung Oh, and Changick Kim, "Human Action Recognition Using Ordinal Measure of Accumulated Motion," EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2010 (2010): 1-11.
16. Chanho Jung and Changick Kim, "Segmenting Clustered Nuclei Using H-minima Transform Based Marker Extraction and Contour Parameterization," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 57, no. 10, pp. 2600-2604, Oct. 2010.
15. Chanho Jung, Changick Kim, S. W. Chae, and S. Oh, "Unsupervised Segmentation of Overlapped Nuclei Using Bayesian Classification," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.57, no.12, pp.2825-2832, Dec. 2010.
14. Wonjun Kim, Jimin Park, and Changick Kim, "A Novel Method for Efficient Indoor-Outdoor Image Classification," Journal of Signal Processing Systems, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 251-258, Feb. 2010.
13. Wonjun Kim and Changick Kim, "A New Approach for Overlay Text Detection and Extraction from Complex Video Scene," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 401-411, Feb. 2009.
12. Ilkoo Ahn,Youngwoo Kim, and Changick Kim, "Customizing Ground Color to Deliver Better Viewing Experience of Soccer Video," ETRI Journal, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 101-112, Feb. 2008.
11. Keewon Seo, Jaeseung Ko, Ilkoo Ahn and Changick Kim, "An Intelligent Display Scheme of Soccer Video for Mobile Devices," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 17, no. 10, pp. 1395-1401, Oct. 2007.
10. Changick Kim, Jungwoo Park, Jaeho Lee, and J.-N. Hwang, "Fast Extraction of Objects of Interest from Images with Low Depth of Field," ETRI Journal, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 353-362, Jun. 2007.
9. Changick Kim, "Intelligent video display can improve visual detail and quality on mobile devices," SPIE Newsroom, Nov. 2006. (News article)
8. Changick Kim, "Segmenting Low Depth-of-Field Image Using Morphological Filters and Region Merging," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 1503-1511, Oct. 2005.
7. Changick Kim and B. Vasudev, "Spatiotemporal Sequence Matching for Efficient Video Copy Detection," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 127-132, Jan. 2005.
6. Changick Kim, "Content-Based Image Copy Detection," Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 169-184, Mar. 2003.
5. Changick Kim and J.-N. Hwang, "Object-Based Video Abstraction for Video Surveillance Systems," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 1128-1138, Dec. 2002.
4. Changick Kim, "Adaptive Post-filtering for Reducing Blocking and Ringing Artifacts in Low Bit-rate Video Coding," Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 17, no. 7, pp. 525-535, Aug. 2002.
3. Changick Kim and J.-N. Hwang, "Fast and Automatic Video Object Segmentation and Tracking for Content-Based Applications," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 122-129, Feb. 2002.
2. Changick Kim and J.-N. Hwang, "Video Object Extraction for Object-Oriented Applications," Journal of
VLSI Signal Processing-Systems for Signal, Image, and Video Technology, Special Issue on Multimedia Signal Processing, vol. 29, no. 1/2, pp. 7-21, Aug. 2001.
1. H. Jeong and Changick Kim, "Adaptive Determination of Filter Scales for Edge Detection," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 579-585, May, 1992.