Prof. Changick Kim (김창익)
Professor, School of Electrical Engineering (EE)
Dean/Professor, Graduate School of Advanced Security Science and Technology (GST)
Professor, Graduate School of Green Growth and Sustainability (GGGS)
Professor, Department of Semiconductor System Engineering (SSE)
KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
R413, ITC Building, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea.
Tel: +82-42-350-7421
Links: [Google Scholar page]
2022.03 - Present Professor in the Dept. of Semiconductor System Engineering (SSE), Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea.
2020.01 - Present Head of Center for Security Technology Research, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea.
2014.09 - Present Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea.
2019.02 - 2020.07 Chair of Signal Division, School of Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea.
2015.01 - 2016.01 Visiting Scholar, Vision Science program, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA.
2009.03 - 2014.08 Associate Professor in the Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea.
2009.12 - 2010.12 Visiting Researcher, HP Labs., Palo Alto, CA, USA.
2008.09 - 2009.02 Associate Professor in School of Engineering, Information and Communications University (ICU), Daejeon, Korea.
2008.03 - 2009.12 Director of Media Convergence Major
2005.02 - 2008.08 Assistant Professor of School of Engineering, Information and Communications University (ICU), Daejeon, Korea.
2000.12 - 2005.01 Senior Member of Technical Staff, Epson Palo Alto Laboratory, Epson R&D Inc. Palo Alto, CA, USA.
1991.01 - 1997.07 Senior Researcher in the R&D Center of SKC Ltd.
1997.09 - 2000.12 Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.
Doctoral Dissertation (UW, Seattle, WA, 2000): "A Framework for Object-based Video Analysis".
1989.03 - 1991.02 M.S. degree in Electronics & Electrical Engineering from POSTECH.
M.S. Thesis (POSTECH, Pohang, Korea, 1991): "Computing Optical Flow using Stochastic Model".
1985.03 - 1989.02 B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Yonsei University.
Research Interest
Deep learning, optimization
Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition
Few-Shot learning/Meta Learning/Self-Supervised Learning
Explainable AI/Adversarial attack and defense
Anthropocene study, Climate AI
Professional Activities and Awards
IEEE Senior Member (since 2009).
Editorial Board member (associate editor) of the Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Springer (2013~).
Associate Editor for IET Computer Vision (2022).
Global Commission - Responsible AI in the Military Domain (GC-REAIM) 한국지부 자문위원 (2024~)
국가안보실 정책 자문위원 (2023~)
해양경찰청 유무인복합체계 자문위원 (2023~)
삼성전자 MX사업부 기술자문위원 (2023)
김창익 지음, 인공지능안전성에 주목하라, 홍릉, 2023.(문화체육관광부 세종도서 2023 학술부문 선정)
대한전자공학회 신호처리소사이어티 회장 (2018, 2019).
대한전자공학회 영상이해연구회 위원장 (2011~2015).
삼성전자 DMC 기술자문 위원 (2011).
김창익 외 공저, IPTV 기초와 실무, 홍릉과학출판사, 2009.(2010 문화체육관광부 선정 우수학술도서)
Prize in transdisciplinary research (융합연구상) in Commemoration of the 51st Anniversary of Founding, KAIST, Feb. 2022.
Outstanding reviewer award, IEEE International conference of multimedia and expo (ICME), London, UK, July 2020.
IEIE Paper Award, IEIE, 2016. 11. 26.
Achievement Award, IEEK, 2013. 11. 23.
Achievement Award, KMMS, 2013. 11. 01.
Achievement Award, IEEK, 2012. 11. 24.
Listed in the Marquis Who's Who in America (60th Edition Publication), 2006.
Seiko-Epson R&D Excellence Award, 2003.
SUPEX (Super Excellence) Prize from SK Group, 1996.
Area Chair of ICIP 2024, Abu Dhabi, Oct. 27-30, 2024.
Area Chair of ICIP 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Oct. 8-11, 2023.
Tutorial Chair of IEEE AVSS 2023, Daegue, Korea, Sept. 2023.
Area Chair of VCIP 2022, Suzhou, China, Dec. 13-16, 2022.
Area Chair of ICIP 2022, Bordeaux, France, Oct. 16-19, 2022.
Program committee member of AAAI 2022, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Feb. 22-Mar. 1, 2022.
Technical program committee member of 3DSA 2021, Seoul, Nov. 23-25, 2021.
Area Chair of VCIP 2021, Novotel Munich City, Germany, Dec. 5-8, 2021.
Area Chair of ICIP 2021, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, Sep. 19-22, 2021.
Technical Program Committee (TPC) of the International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM 2021), Prague, Czech Republic, from January 25-27, 2021.
Area Chair of VCIP 2020, Macau, Dec. 1-4, 2020
Area Chair of ICIP 2020, United Arab Emirates, Oct. 25-28, 2020.
Society Area Chair of ICCE-ASIA, 2020, Tokyo, Japan, Apr. 26-28, 2020.
Sepcial Session Chair of 26th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2020), Daejeon, Korea, Jan. 6-8, 2020.
Technical program committee member of 3DSA 2019, Sapporo Convention Center, Japan, Nov. 27-29, 2019.
Area Chair of ICIP 2019, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 22-25, 2019.
TPC member of IEEE VCIP 2018, Taiwan, 2018.
Technical program committee member of APSIPA 2018, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 12-15, 2018.
Technical program committee member of 3DSA 2018, Taiwan, Aug. 29-30, 2018.
Program committee member, FCV 2018, Hakodate, Japan, Feb. 21-23, 2018.
Publicity chair of IEEE VCIP 2018, Taiwan, 2018.
Plenary Sessions Chair of ICASSP 2018, Calgary, Canada, 2018.
Area chair of IEEE International Conference on Mutimedia & Expo (ICME2017), Hong Kong, July 10-14, 2017.
Program committee member of 23rd Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV) Seoul, Korea, Feb. 1-3, 2017.
Technical program committe member of 3DSA 2017, Busan, Korea, Aug. 29-31, 2017.
Invited Overview Session chair of APSIPA 2016, Jeju, Korea, Dec. 2016.
Technical committee member of 3DSA 2016, Japan, Dec. 7-9, 2016.
TPC member of 17th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, Xian, China, Sept 15-16, 2016.
Area chair of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME2016), Seattle, USA, July 11-15, 2016.
Program committee member for Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM), Sep. 16-19, 2015, Gwangju, Korea.
TPC member of the Seventh International Conference on Advances in Future Internet (AFIN 2015), Venice, Italy, August 23 - 28, 2015.
TPC member of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME2015), Torino, Italy, June 29-July 3, 2015.
Organizing committee member of 21st Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, Mokpo, Korea, Jan. 28-30, 2015.
Program committee member for IWAIT 2015, Tainan, Taiwan, Jan. 2015.
Scientific Committee member for ACIVP 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2014.
TPC member for ISCE 2014, Jeju, Korea, June 22-25, 2014.
TPC member of IEEE international Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME2014), Chengdu, China, July 14-18, 2014.
Organizing committee member for 3DSA 2014, Seoul, Korea, May 28-30, 2014.
Organizing committee member and TPC member of 20th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision,
Okinawa, Japan, Feb. 4-6,2014.
TPC member of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME2013), San Jose, USA, July 15-19, 2013.
TPC member of The 19th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, Incheon, Korea, Jan. 30-Feb. 1, 2013.
TPC member of The Fifth International Conference on Advances in Future Internet (AFIN 2013), Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 25-31, 2013.
Registration chair of the 2013 IEEE IVMSP (Image, Video and Multidimensional Signal Processing) Workshop.
Editorial board member of the International Journal On Advances in Internet Technology (2012).
TPC member of The 2012 International Workshop on Ubiquitous Information Processing and Management (UIPM 2012), Fukuoka, Japan, Sep. 04-07, 2012.
TPC member of The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Future Internet AFIN 2012, Rome, Italy, Aug. 19-24, 2012.
TPC member of The 6th International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE 2012), Madrid, Spain, July 11-13, 2012.
TPC member of International Conference of 3D Systems and Applications 2012 (3DSA'12), Hsinchu, Taiwan, June 25-27, 2012.
TPC member of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME2012), Melbourne, Austrailia, July 9-13, 2012.
TPC member of the 18th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, Kawasaki International Center, Japan, Feb. 2-4, 2012.
TPC member of APSIPA ASC 2011, Xi'an, China, Oct. 18-21, 2011.
TPC member of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2011), Brussels, Belgium, Sep. 11-14, 2011.
TPC member of The Third International Conference on Advances in Future Internet AFIN 2011, French Riviera, Nice/Saint Laurent du Var, France, Aug. 21-27, 2011.
TPC member of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME2011), Barcelona, Spain, July 11-15, 2011.
TPC member of International Conference of 3D Systems and Applications 2011 (3DSA'11), Seoul, Korea, June 20-22, 2011.
Program Commitee Member of the 5th IEEE/FTRA International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE-2011,, Crete, Greece, Juny 27-29, 2011.
Guest Editor of EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (Special Issue: Video Analysis for Human Behavior
Understanding), 2010.
TPC member of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME2010), Singapore, July 19-23, 2010.
Publication chair of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME2010). cfp
Scientific Committee member of Sixteenth Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, Hiroshima, Japan, Feb. 4-6, 2010.
Committee member of International Conference of 3D Systems and Applications 2010 (3DSA'10), Japan, May 2010. cfp
International program committee member of "AFIN 2010 (International Conference on Advances in Future Internet)," Venice, Italy, July 18-25, 2010.
International program committee member of International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications
(AfricaIMSA 2010), Mar. 15-17, 2010, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.
A member of the International Program Committee (IPC) for the IASTED International Conference on Internet and MultimediaSystems and Applications (IMSA) 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Aug. 17-19, 2009.
International Program Committee (IPC) member for the Eleventh IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (SIP) 2009, Hawaii, USA, Aug. 17–19, 2009.
International Program Committee (IPC) member for the "IASTED International Conference on Wireless and Optica Communications (WOC 2009)"
Committee member of International Conference of 3D Systems and Applications 2009 (3DSA'09)
International program committee member of "AFIN 2009 (The First International Conference on Advances in Future Internet)"
International program committee member of "The Eighth IASTED International Conferences on Wireless and Optical Communications (WOC) 2008"
A member of the International Program Committee (IPC) for the International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA 2008)
A member of the International Program Committee (IPC) for the IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (SIP 2008).
International program committee member of "The Seventh IASTED International Conferences on Wireless and Optical Communications (WOC) 2007~"
International program committee member of "The Eighth IASTED International Conference on signal and image processing," Aug. 2006.
Program committee member of Special session on object-based video in international conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2003.
Invited Talks
2025.4.28.: 딥페이크 기술동향, 형사소송의 새로운 경향 연수과정, 사법연수원, 서울, Korea
2025.4.21.: AI 시대의 민주주의, 그리고 딥페이크, 제 2차 경찰, 관리자 과학치안 역량강화 특별 연수과정, KAIST, Korea
2025.4.02.: 안보 및 국방을 위한 인공지능 : 위험은 어디에서 오는가?, 해군대학, 첨단 국방과학기술 특별 연수과정, KAIST, Korea
2025.3.24.: AI 시대의 민주주의, 그리고 딥페이크, 제 1차 경찰, 관리자 과학치안 역량강화 특별 연수과정, KAIST, Korea
2025.2.27.: AI and Democracy, 안보과학기술대학원 봄학기 정기 세미나, KAIST, Korea
2025.1.15.: AI resilience 및 adversarial attack 기술 동향, ETRI AI안전연구소, 성남, Korea
2024.12.13.: "사이버전과 인지전," 장교 대상 강의, 해군대학, Korea
2024.11.13.: 미래국방 혁신기술 동향 - 사이버전, 인지전과 미래 미디어 서비스 응용, ETRI, 대전, Korea
2024.11.07.: AGI 시대의 도래: 위험의 원천과 철학적 이슈들, 육군 4.0 고위정책결정자 연수과정, 카이스트, Korea
2024.10.24: "조작영상과 딥페이크 탐지 기술동향," 경찰청-KAIST공동 컨퍼런스, 인천 송도컨벤시아, Korea
2024.10.15: "인공지능 발전 동향 및 미래," 경찰 중간관리자 과학치안 역량강화 연수과정, 카이스트, Korea
2024.09.24: "인공지능 발전 동향 및 미래," 경찰 고위정책결정자 과학치안 역량강화 연수과정, 카이스트, Korea
2024.07.31: "AI와 안보," 법학전문대학원생 대상 강의, 잠실롯데타워, Seoul, Korea.
2024.07.24: "AGI 시대의 도래와 이념의 충돌," 페리도트 미래포럼, 대전세종충남여성벤처협회, 충남대학교, Daejeon, Korea.
2024.07.24: AGI 시대의 도래: 위험의 원천과 철학적 이슈들, 제1차 안보과학기술대학원 세미나, 카이스트, Korea
2024.07.09: "인공지능 발전 동향 및 미래," 경찰 고위정책결정자 과학치안 역량강화 연수과정 (2차), 카이스트, Korea
2024.06.18: "인공지능 발전 동향 및 미래," 경찰 고위정책결정자 과학치안 역량강화 연수과정, 카이스트, Korea
2024.05.28: "AI의 그림자: 위험은 어디에서 오는가," 방첩사 첨단국방과학기술 특별연수 과정, 카이스트, Korea
2024.05.02: "인공지능 발전 동향 및 미래," 경찰 고위정책결정자 치안 과학기술 연수과정, 카이스트, Korea
2024.04.22: "AI 안전성: 위험은 어디에서 오는가," 국방혁신 4.0 정책관리자과정 및 유무인 복합체계 전문과정, 국방부, 서울
2024.04.02: "AI Safety: Risks in AI," 해군대학 첨단 국방과학 기술 연수과정, 카이스트, Korea
2024.03.21: "안보 및 국방을 위한 인공지능: 위험은 어디에서 오는가," 신성포럼, 대전, Korea
2024.02.27: "안보및국방을 위한 AI 안전성," 미래 국방과학기술 특별 연수과정, 카이스트, Korea
2023.12.19: "인공지능 발전 동향 및 치안 활용 방안," 경찰 고위정책결정자 치안 과학기술 연수과정, 카이스트, Korea
2023.11.21: "조작영상 탐지 기술," 삼성전자, 수원, Korea.
2023.11.20: "안보 및 국방을 위한 인공지능 안전성 (AI Safety)," 육군 4.0 미래과학기술 연수과정, 카이스트, Korea
2023.11.13: "인공지능 발전 동향 및 치안 활용 방안," 경찰 미래치안중간관리자 과정, 카이스트, Korea
2023.10.23: "인공지능 발전 동향 및 치안 활용 방안," 경찰 고위정책결정자 치안 과학기술 연수과정, 카이스트, Korea
2023.10.18.: "AI 발전동향 및 치안 활용방안," 현장경찰자문단 대상 과학치안 R&D 세미나, 송도 컨벤시아, Korea
2023.10.04.: 기조강연 "AI Safety," 2023 육군 시험평가 및 감항인증 세미나, 세종컨벤션센터, Korea
2023.09.18: "안보 및 국방을 위한 인공지능 안전성 (AI Safety)," 진급 장교 대상 강의, 해군대학, Korea
2023.09.12: "안보 및 국방을 위한 인공지능 안전성 (AI Safety)," 국방혁신 4.0 정책관리자 연수과정, 국방부, Korea
2023.09.04: "안보 및 국방을 위한 인공지능 안전성 (AI Safety)," 진급 장교 대상 강의, 해군대학, Korea
2023.08.29: "인공지능 발전 동향 및 활용 방안," 경찰 고위정책결정자 치안 과학기술 연수과정 (2차), 대전, Korea
2023.07.20: "멀티모달 행동인식," 삼성전자, 수원, Korea.
2023.07.11: "국방력 강화를 위한 인공지능 안전성 (AI Safety) 이슈들," 공군본부 전문가 특강, 공군본부, Korea
2023.06.27: "인공지능 안전성 및 평가방안에 대해," AI전문가 워킹그룹 워크샵, 국방기술품질원, Korea
2023.06.26: "인공지능 발전 동향 및 활용 방안," 경찰 고위정책결정자 치안 과학기술 연수과정, 대전, Korea
2023.05.22: "안보 및 국방을 위한 인공지능 안전성 (AI Safety)," 육군 고위 정책관리자 연수과정, 대전, Korea
2023.05.16: "안보 및 국방을 위한 인공지능 안전성 (AI Safety)," 국방혁신 4.0 정책관리자 과정, 서울, Korea
2023.04.10: "국방AI: 전이 학습과 적대적 기계학습," 해군대학 소령급 장교 대상, 카이스트, 대전, Korea.
2023.04.04: "국방 인공지능," 방위사업청 아카데미 강연, Korea
2023.03.23: "적대적 기계학습의 최신동향," 삼성전자, 수원, Korea.
2023.03.28: "국방 및 안보를 위한 AI Safety," KAI 임원진 대상 강의(2), 카이스트, 대전, Korea.
2023.03.21: "국방 및 안보를 위한 AI Safety," KAI 임원진 대상 강의(1), 카이스트, 대전, Korea.
2023.03.15: "국방AI: 전이 학습과 적대적 기계학습," 첨단 국방과학기술 연수과정, 카이스트, 대전, Korea.
2023.02.23: "국방AI: Transfer learning and Adversarial machine learning," 육군 교육사 인공지능 특별 연수과정, 카이스트, 대전, Korea.
2023.02.14: "Recent adversarial attack and defense techniques," AI보안연구센터, 숭실대학교, 서울, Korea
2023.01.27: “AI 안전성: 무인기 탐지와 기만 기술을 중심으로”, 합동참모본부 초청강연, 서울, Korea.
2022.12.06: “인공지능과 빅데이터를 활용한 효과적인 유무인 복합체계의 효율적인 운용 방안” (패널토의), 신기술국제포럼, 해군사관학교, Korea
2022.11.29: "Just AI for Nowcasting," Center for Anthropocene Studies, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.
2022.11.28: "AI는 세상을 어떻게 바꿀 것인가?," AI・SW 리더스 과정 (3차), 국방부, 대전, Korea.
2022.11.17: "AI Safety in Defense," 독일연방 안보정책 전문가 방문단, KAIST, Korea.
2022.11.16: "(발제토론) 국방 리더로서 디지털 시대의 소명은 무엇인가?," AI・SW 리더스 과정 (2차), 국방부, 서울, Korea.
2022.11.15: "국방 인공지능 발전동향 및 AI Safety," 육군 4.0 미래 과학기술 정책실무 과정, 카이스트, 대전, Korea.
2022.11.11: Trends and prospects in AI, 7th Czech-Korea Forum for the Future, Prague, Czech Republic.
2022.09.27: "국방 인공지능 발전동향 및 신뢰가능 인공지능," 국방혁신 4.0 핵심역량 강화과정 (일반과정), 국방부, 서울, Korea.
2022.09.22: "국방 인공지능 발전동향 및 신뢰가능 인공지능," 미래국방기술과 해군혁신 구상 정책실무과정, 해군대학, Korea.
2022.09.21: "국방 인공지능 발전동향 및 최신기술 소개," 육군대학소령진급자대상강의 (3조), 육군대학, 대전, Korea.
2022.09.16: "국방 인공지능 발전동향 및 최신기술 소개," 육군대학소령진급자대상강의 (2조), 육군대학, 대전, Korea.
2022.09.13: "국방 인공지능 발전동향 및 최신기술 소개," 육군대학소령진급자대상강의 (1조), 카이스트, 대전, Korea.
2022.09.05: "국방 인공지능 발전동향 및 신뢰가능 인공지능," 국방혁신 4.0 핵심역량 강화과정 (AI, Software), 국방부, 서울, Korea.
2022.09.01: "신뢰가능 인공지능 (Trustworthy AI)," 서울대 미래안보전략기술최고위과정, Korea.
2022.08.11: "국방 인공지능 발전동향 및 최신기술 소개," 미래국방기술과 해군혁신 구상 정책실무과정, 카이스트, Korea.
2022.08.02: "국방 인공지능 발전동향 및 최신기술 소개," 국방부 미래국방전략 혁신과정, 서울, Korea.
2022.07.13: "인공지능과 기후위기," 하나고등학교, 서울, Korea.
2022.04.18: "인공지능 발전 동향 및 기후위기와 안보," 해군대학 학생장교 대상 특강, 대전, Korea.
2021.11.25: "설명가능 인공지능 (XAI): 시각화기반 및 설명가능 VQA," 계명대학교 인공지능융합연구소, 대구, Korea.
2021.11.23: "인공지능의 군사적 활용 (I): 국방AI기술 소개," 육군 4.0 전력발전 과정 세미나, 카이스트, Korea.
2021.11.23: "인공지능의 군사적 활용 (II): 국방AI기술의 분야별 활용," 육군 4.0 전력발전 과정 세미나, 카이스트, Korea.
2021.11.18: AI in Korea, 6th Czech-Korea Forum for the Future (한-체코 미래포럼), Seoul, Korea.
2021.10.29: "인공지능의 군사적 활용," 해군 정보화 발전 세미나, 해군본부, Korea.
2021.10.27: "인공지능 발전 동향과 추세, 향후 전망," 해군대학 학생장교 대상 특강, 대전, Korea.
2021.05.28: "Introduction to explainable AI (XAI)," Samsung Display, Yongin, Korea.
2021.05.28: "Few-shot Open-set Recognition," Samsung Display, Yongin, Korea.
2021.05.27: "Introduction to Semi-supervised domain adaptation," EE, University of Indonesia.
2021.05.20: "Few-shot Learning, Open-set Recognition, and Few-shot Open-set Recognition," EE, University of Indonesia.
2020.12.16: "딥러닝 기반 이미지 처리 연구 개발," 합동군사대학 특강, 대전, Korea.
2020.12.10: "AI와 국방영상기술," 국방안보포럼, 안보융합원, KAIST, Korea.
2020.10.20: "인류세와 인공지능," 대령지휘관리과정, 육군대학, Korea.
2020.08.05: "Photometric Stereo," Image Understanding Summer School, IEIE, Korea.
2020.02.14: "AI 영상 이해와 최근 시각화 기법들을 활용한 XAI 기술," 설명가능한 인공지능 [eXplainable AI, XAI] 개발과 산업별 적용방안 세미나, 여의도 전경련회관, Seoul, Korea.
2020.01.10: "Domain adaptation for object detection," Image Understanding Winter School, IEIE, Korea.
2020.01.02: "Variational Optimization," Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, China.
2019.12.31: "Introduction to Optimization for Computer Vision," Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, China.
2019.12.30: "Domain Adaptation," Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, China.
2019.11.28: AI in Korea, 5th Czech-Korea Forum for the Future, Prague, Czech Republic.
2019.11.21: "인공지능 시대에 살아가기," 한성여고, Seoul, Korea.
2019.10.18: "인공지능 시대, 어떻게 살아갈 것인가," 대구과학고, Daegu, Korea.
2019.08.22: "Graph Signal Processing and graph CNNs," Image Understanding Summer School, IEIE, Korea.
2019.08.20: "Deep learning-based image understanding," Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, China.
2019.07.18: "인공지능 시대에 살아가기," 페리도트 미래포럼, 대전세종충남여성벤처협회, 카이스트, Daejeon, Korea.
2019.05.20: "영상인식이 인공지능을 만났을 때," 특허법원과 카이스트가 함께하는 과학콘서트 (AI 시리즈), 특허법원, Daejeon, Korea.
2019.03.21: "딥러닝을 이용한 인공위성영상의 토지피복지도 생성기술," 인류세연구센터, 카이스트, Daejeon, Korea.
2019.03.20: "인공지능과 영상이해," 육군 인공지능 고위정책과정, 카이스트, Daejeon, Korea.
2018.11.12: "Long-Term Tracking Using Deep Learning," NU-KAIST Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Signals and Systems, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Nazarbayev University (NU), Kazakhstan.
2018.08.28: "지휘결심 지원을 위한 인공지능기반 이동물체 추적 시스템," 국방 AI 의사결정 전략 워크샵, 국방인공지능 융합연구센터, 카이스트, 대전.
2018.08.10: "인류세와 인공지능 (Anthropocene and AI)." 대한전자공학회 신호처리소사이어티 여름 워크샵, 포스텍, 포항.
2018.06.20: "영상이해 어디까지 왔나." 공군 4.0 특별연수과정, 카이스트, Daejeon, Korea.
2018.06.01: "Deep learning and image understanding," Graduate school seminar, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea.
2018.05.24: "영상이해 어디까지 왔나," KAIST-ATU (KAIST 미래 교통 및 도시개발 최고위 리더십 과정), Seoul, Korea.
2018.01.26: "Variational optimization for image processing and understanding," Tutorial Talk, ICEIC, Honolulu, HI, USA.
2017.08.09: "Optimization techniques for image understanding," Image Understanding Summer School, IEIE, Korea.
2017.06.09: "Optimization Techniques for image understanding," Graduate school seminar, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea.
2017.04.28: "Techniques for dense image correspondences," ETRI, Daejeon, Korea.
2016.11.03: "Aesthetic photography and photo quality assessment using deep learning," Medical engineering college, Konyang University, Daejeon, Korea.
2016.08.22: "Techniques for dense image correspondences," Image Understanding Summer School, IEIE, Korea.
2016.08.01: "Optimization Techniques for image understanding and deep learning," SKhynix, Icheon, Korea.
2016.06.17: "Optimization techniques for Computer Vision," Workshop on Computer Vision, IEIE, Seoul, Korea.
2016.02.25: "Optimization techniques for Computer Vision," Workshop on Computer Vision, IEIE, Seoul, Korea.
2016.01.18: "Techniques for image restoration," SKhynix, Icheon, Korea.
2015.10.28: "Variational methods for image restoration," Workshop on advanced image techniques, IEIE, Korea.
2015.08.24: "Introduction to optimization and continuous optimization for image understanding," Image Understanding Summer School, IEIE, Korea.
2015.05.28: "Saliency Detection," Mobile communication division, Samsung Electronics, Korea.
2015.01.22: "Vision-based Healthcare Systems," the 4th Workshop on Image understanding, IEIE, GIST.
2015.01.22: "Sparse Representation of Signals and Images," the 4th Workshop on Image understanding, IEIE, GIST, Korea.
2013.11.28: "Introduction to machine learning based image understanding," Workshop on Image understanding, IEEK, Seoul, Korea.
2013.11.17: Tutorial Talk, "Depth-based Techniques for 3D Video Processing," IEEE VCIP, Sarawak, Malaysia, Nov. 17-20, 2013.
2013.10.04: "Introduction to Machine Learning," ETRI, Daejeon, Korea.
2013.09.04: "Aesthetic Photography: appreciation of beauty," ETRI, Daejeon, Korea.
2013.08.19: "Introduction to machine learning based image understanding," Image Understanding Summer School, IEEK, Korea.
2013.08.01: "Aesthetic Photography: appreciation of beauty," Samsung electronics, Suwon, Korea.
2013.03.22: "3D scene geometry estimation from a single image," EE, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
2013.01.30: Special Talk : 3D structure analysis of a single image, FCV2013, Jan. 30 - Feb. 1, 2013, Incheon, Korea.
2013.01.28: Computational Photography and Edge-preserving filters, Image Understanding Workshop, Jan. 28-29, Busan, Korea.
2012.12.07: Real-time estimation of 3D scene geometry from a single image, Multimedia comm/Nertworking Lab, HP Labs.,Palo Alto, CA, USA.
2012.11.09: 무안경 3D 기술 동향, LGDisplay.
2012.11.08: Image Understanding, 특허청 심사관 신기술 교육.
2012.06.27: Emerging Multimedia Applications Using Saliency Detection, 전문가초청세미나, DMC, Samsung.
2011.11.18: Saliency detection and its applications, CS dept. POSTECH.
2011.08.20: 영상이해 기술의 현재와 미래, ETRI 발명캠프.
2010.10.13: 3D Conversion of 2D Images, Video Infrastructure Group, Google, Mountain View, CA, USA.
2010.10.01: 3D Conversion of 2D Images/Videos, System LSI Division, Samsung Electronics, Korea.
2009.12.08: 2차원 영상의 3차원변환, ETRI, Daejeon, Korea.
2009.09.16: 3D Video, DTV Research Lab. LG Electronics, Seoul, Korea.
2009.09.09: 3D Conversion of Single View Images, Multimedia Comm/Networking Lab, HP Labs., Palo Alto, CA, USA.
2009.06.17: 디지털카메라의 원리 및 응용, 영상처리 및 이해, 특허청심사관 IT기술교육.
2009.04.24: 무인 국경감시 시스템을 위한 사람인식 기술, LIG넥스원 ISR연구센터.
2009.03.30: Depth map generation from 2D images, Marvell Semiconductor Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA.
2009.02.9-10: 패턴인식기반 영상이해, ICU 단기강좌.
2009.01.15: 지능형 비디오, ICU IT 영재 교육원.
2008.06.09: 디지털카메라의 원리 및 응용, 특허청심사관 IT기술교육. 15.2009.1.15: 지능형 비디오, ICU IT 영재 교육원.
2008.02.01: Personalized Display Techniques for Next Generation DTV, Marvell Semiconductor Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA.
2008.01.22: 첨단 IT 기술의 미래: 미래의 TV 기술, ICU IT 영재교육원.
2007.12.06: 첨단 IT 현황과 미래, ICU IT 영재교육원.
2007.11.16: Display Techniques for the Next Generation DTV, POSTECH.
2007.03.02: Video coding for IPTV, 제1차 IPTV 심층 분석 워크샵 (IPTV Forum Korea).
2007.02.08: Video Coding for IPTV, ICU Short Course.
2006.10.09-20: Multimedia Expert Course, Samsung Electronics.
2006.08.11: Digital image processing and its applications, IDEC, Chonnam Univ.
2006.06.30: H.264 Baseline, T-DMB Workshop (방송공학회).
2006.06.16: Intelligent DIsplay for Mobile Devices, POSTECH.
2006.06.08: H.264 Video Coding, MTEK Vision.
2006.03.22: Next Generation Video Coding, MPEG Korea Seminar.
2005.07: Digital image processing, IDEC, Chonnam Univ.