Wonjun Lee(이원준)
Tel: +82-42-350-7521
E-Mail: dpenguin@kaist.ac.kr
2023.3 - Present M.S. (School of Electrical Engineering), Korea Advanced Institute of Science Technology, South Korea
2019.3 - 2023.2 B.S. (School of Electrical Engineering, School of Computing), Korea Advanced Institute of Science Technology, South Korea
Research Interests
Adversarial Machine Learning
AI De-biasing
Image Forensics (Image Forgery Locazliation, Deepfake Detection)
Large Vision-Language Model
Myung-Joon Kwon*, Wonjun Lee*, Seung-Hun Nam, Minji Son, and Changick Kim. "SAFIRE: Segment Any Forged Image Region", Accepted to 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artifical Intelligence (AAAI), 2025. (* indicates equal contribution)
Younghun Kim, Myung-Joon Kwon, Wonjun Lee, and Changick Kim. "FRIDAY: Mitigating Unintentional Facial Identity in Deepfake Detectors Gudided by Facial Recognizers", Accepted to Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2024. Oral Paper
이원준, 권명준, 김영헌, 김창익 "편향과의 전투: 적대적 훈련을 통한 싱경망 모델 교정", 대한전자공학회 하계학술논문집, Aug, 2024. LG전자 관심 논문상
권명준, 이원준, 김영헌, 김창익 "사전 학습된 모델의 앙상블을 통한 합성 영상 탐지의 일반화 능력 향상", 대한전자공학회 하계학술논문집, Aug, 2024. LG전자 관심 논문상
김영헌, 권명준, 이원준, 김창익 "부분적 이미지 조작 증강 기법을 통한 딥페이크 탐지 일반화 성능 향상", 대한전자공학회 하계학술논문집, Aug, 2024.
"결석 크기 추정 방법(Stone size estimation method)" Gyuseop Song, Wonjun Lee, Jaechul Kim, Byungji Park, Sungjae Choi, Dongho Lee, Hyunse Suh, Dongsu Kim, KR Patent Application 10-2023-0031846 (2023)